Science 2 Jobs (S2J)

S2J is a statewide program designed to increase the awareness of workforce opportunities in health and agricultural sciences through tailored outreach and education programs. This partnership with Missouri Southern State University, MOSO CAPS, MOBIO, and Missouri Western State University provides opportunities to heighten awareness and cultivate interest in science-based programs and careers.

S2J is forging educational connections with K-12 students and educators. Through various engaging initiatives, we strive to bridge the gap between classrooms and real-world experiences.

S2J offerings include but are not limited to:
portable labs with educational tool kits
captivating agriculture drone demonstrations
immersion trailer featuring lab setups and VR learning experiences
S2J Summer BioTech Tour - Registration Now Open

Whether you're a student seeking exploration, an educator looking for exciting resources, a learning institution, or a business partner, we extend a heartfelt invitation to join us on this extraordinary venture. Together, let's shape a future teeming with possibilities.

Thank you to Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development for their investment in S2J.